Source code for domination.scenarios

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Domination game engine for Reinforcement Learning research.

Contains functions for running multiple games and tournaments.


### IMPORTS ###
# Python
import datetime
import sys
import os
import csv
import glob
import cPickle as pickle
import zipfile
import math
import hashlib
import copy
import uuid
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict

# Local
import core
from utilities import *

# Shortcuts
pi = math.pi



def callfunc(tup):
    """ Function to ensure compatibility with
    (ob, fun, args, kwds) = tup
    return getattr(ob, fun)(*args, **kwds)

### CLASSES ###

[docs]class MatchInfo(object): """ An instance of this object is passed to agents to let them know that they are participating in a match consisting of multiple games, and which game they are currently in. """ def __init__(self, num_games, current, match_id, score_weight): """ Constructor for MatchInfo :param num_games: The total number of games in this match :param current: The current game with 1 being the first game. :param match_id: A unique id of the opponent the agent is playing against. :param score_weight: How much weight is assigned to the score of the current match. """ self.num_games = num_games self.current = current self.match_id = match_id self.score_weight = score_weight
[docs]class Scenario(object): """ A scenario is used to run multiple games under the same conditions. """ #: The settings with which these games will be played SETTINGS = core.Settings() #: The field that these games will be played on GENERATOR = core.FieldGenerator() #: Will generate FIELD before each game if defined FIELD = None #: Will play on this field if GENERATOR is None REPEATS = 4 #: How many times to repeat each game SWAP_TEAMS = True #: Repeat each run with blue/red swapped DRAW_MARGIN = 0.05 SCORING = SCORING_LINEAR MULTITHREADING = True
[docs] def setup(self): """ Function is called once before any games """ pass
[docs] def before_game(self): """ Function that is run before each game. Use it to regenerate the map, for example. """ pass
[docs] def after_game(self, game): """ Function that is run after each game. :param game: The previous game """ pass
""" You shouldn't have to override any of the methods below, but you may. """ def _single(self, red, blue, matchinfo=None, rendered=False, verbose=False): """ Runs a single game, returns results, called repeatedly by :meth:`Scenario._multi`. """ if self.GENERATOR is not None: self.FIELD = self.GENERATOR.generate() self.before_game() # Open blobs for reading if we can find 'em red_blob = os.path.splitext(red)[0] + '_blob' blue_blob = os.path.splitext(blue)[0] + '_blob' # Build the initializer arguments red_init = {} blue_init = {} if matchinfo is not None: red_init['matchinfo'] = matchinfo blue_init['matchinfo'] = matchinfo if os.path.exists(red_blob): red_init['blob'] = open(red_blob,'rb') if os.path.exists(blue_blob): blue_init['blob'] = open(blue_blob,'rb') # Run the game game = core.Game(red, blue, red_init=red_init, blue_init=blue_init, field=self.FIELD, settings=self.SETTINGS, record=True, verbose=verbose, rendered=False) if rendered: game.add_renderer() # Close the blobs if 'blob' in red_init: red_init['blob'].close() if 'blob' in blue_init: blue_init['blob'].close() self.after_game(game) print game.stats return (matchinfo, game.stats, game.replay, game.log) def _match(self, red, blue, output_folder, rendered, verbose): """ Runs a single match consisting of multiple games Copies the agents to a temporary subfolder so that they can write to a unique blob. """ # Create a folder for the agent copies uid = uuid.uuid4().hex[:8] path = os.path.join(output_folder,'matchups') rbase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(red))[0] bbase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(blue))[0] folder = os.path.join(path, '%s_vs_%s_%s' % (rbase, bbase, uid)) os.makedirs(folder) # Copy the agents and blobs newred = os.path.join(folder, 'red_' + os.path.basename(red)) newblue = os.path.join(folder, 'blue_' + os.path.basename(blue)) shutil.copyfile(red, newred) shutil.copyfile(blue, newblue) red_blob = os.path.splitext(red)[0] + '_blob' blue_blob = os.path.splitext(blue)[0] + '_blob' if os.path.exists(red_blob): shutil.copyfile(red_blob, os.path.splitext(newred)[0] + '_blob') if os.path.exists(blue_blob): shutil.copyfile(blue_blob, os.path.splitext(newblue)[0] + '_blob') # Run the matches gameinfo = [] for i in range(self.REPEATS): if self.SCORING == SCORING_CONSTANT or self.REPEATS == 1: score_weight = 1.0 elif self.SCORING == SCORING_LINEAR: score_weight = 2.0 * i / (self.REPEATS - 1) matchinfo = MatchInfo(self.REPEATS, i, hash((red, blue)), score_weight) gameinfo.append((red, blue) + self._single(newred, newblue, matchinfo, rendered, verbose)) return gameinfo def _multi(self, games, output_folder, rendered=False, verbose=False): """ Runs multiple matches, given as a list of (red, blue) tuples. """ self.setup() calls = [(self, '_match', (red, blue, output_folder, rendered, verbose), {}) for (red, blue) in games] # Run the games try: from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count threads = max(1, cpu_count() - 1) print "Using %d threads to run games." % (threads) pool = Pool(threads) gameinfos =, calls) except ImportError: print "No multithreading available, running on single CPU." gameinfos = map(callfunc, calls) gameinfos = [gameinfo for l in gameinfos for gameinfo in l] if output_folder is not None: self._write(gameinfos, output_folder) def _write(self, gameinfo, output_folder, include_replays=True): """ Write a csv with all game results, all the replays in a zip and a textfile with a summary to the output_folder """ # Find the prefix from the agent paths all_agents = set(a for g in gameinfo for a in (g[0], g[1])) prefix = os.path.commonprefix(all_agents).rfind('/') + 1 # Configure the CSV fieldnames = ('red_file', 'blue_file', 'score_red', 'score_blue', 'score', 'weight', 'points_red', 'points_blue', 'steps', 'ammo_red', 'ammo_blue') csvf = csv.DictWriter(open(os.path.join(output_folder, 'games.csv'),'w'), fieldnames, extrasaction='ignore') csvf.writerow(dict(zip(fieldnames, fieldnames))) # Open other files zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(output_folder, ''),'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, True) logs = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(output_folder, ''),'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, True) sf = open(os.path.join(output_folder, ''),'w') sf.write('In total, %d games were played.\n\n' % len(gameinfo)) by_color = defaultdict(lambda: [0., 0.]) by_match = defaultdict(lambda: [0., 0.]) by_team = defaultdict(lambda: 0.) for i, (r, b, matchinfo, stats, replay, log) in enumerate(gameinfo): r = r[prefix:] b = b[prefix:] # Compute weighted score if abs(stats.score - 0.5) < self.DRAW_MARGIN: points_red, points_blue = (matchinfo.score_weight, matchinfo.score_weight) elif stats.score > 0.5: points_red, points_blue = (2 * matchinfo.score_weight, 0) else: points_red, points_blue = (0, 2 * matchinfo.score_weight) # Add scores to tables by color/team/matchup by_color[(r,b)][0] += points_red by_color[(r,b)][1] += points_blue if r < b: by_match[(r,b)][0] += points_red by_match[(r,b)][1] += points_blue else: by_match[(b,r)][0] += points_blue by_match[(b,r)][1] += points_red by_team[r] += points_red by_team[b] += points_blue # Write to the csv file s = copy.copy(stats.__dict__) s.update([('red_file',r), ('blue_file',b), ('weight', matchinfo.score_weight), ('points_red', points_red), ('points_blue', points_blue)]) csvf.writerow(s) rbase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(r))[0] bbase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(b))[0] zipf.writestr('replay_%04d_%s_vs_%s.pickle'%(i, rbase, bbase), pickle.dumps(replay, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)) logs.writestr('log_%04d_%s_vs_%s.txt'%(i, rbase, bbase), log.truncated(kbs=32)) # Put the matches into a matchup matrix (team a on left, team b on top) matrix = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None)) for (a, b), (points) in by_match.items(): matrix[a][b] = points order = sorted(by_team.keys()) table = [] #[[for _ in range(len(order)+1)] for _ in range(len(order))] for left in order[:-1]: table.append([left] + [matrix[left][top] for top in order[1:]]) # Final ranking ranking = sorted(by_team.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Write to output sf.write(markdown_table([(r,b,pr,pb) for ((r,b),(pr,pb)) in by_color.items()], header=['Red','Blue','R','B'])) sf.write('\n') sf.write(markdown_table(table, header=['']+order[1:])) sf.write('\n') sf.write(markdown_table(ranking, header=['Team','Points'])) # Close all files zipf.close() logs.close() sf.close() @classmethod
[docs] def test(cls, red, blue): """ Test this scenario, this will run a single game and render it, so you can verify the FIELD and SETTINGS. :param red: Path to red agent :param blue: Path to blue agent """ scen = cls() scen._single(red, blue, None, rendered=True, verbose=True)
[docs] def one_on_one(cls, output_folder, red, blue, rendered=False, verbose=False): """ Runs the set amount of REPEATS and SWAP_TEAMS if desired, between two given agents. :param output_folder: Folder in which results will be stored """ cls.tournament(agents=[red, blue], output_folder=output_folder, rendered=rendered, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def tournament(cls, output_folder, folder=None, agents=None, rendered=False, verbose=False): """ Runs a full tournament between the agents specified, respecting the REPEATS and SWAP_TEAMS settings. :param agents: A list of paths to agents :param folder: A folder that contains all agents, overrides the agents parameter. :param output_folder: Folder in which results will be stored. """ if os.path.exists(output_folder): print "WARNING: Output directory exists; overwriting results" else: os.makedirs(output_folder) if folder is not None: agents = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder,'*.py')) if output_folder is None: output_folder = folder matchups = list(all_pairs(agents)) # Add swapped version if cls.SWAP_TEAMS: matchups += [(t1, t2) for (t2, t1) in matchups] scenario = cls() scenario._multi(matchups, output_folder=output_folder, rendered=rendered, verbose=verbose) ### HELPER FUNCTIONS ###
def markdown_table(body, header=None): """ Generate a MultiMarkdown text table. :param body: The body as a list-of-lists :param header: The header to print """ s = "" def cellstr(cell): if type(cell) == float: return ("%.2f" % cell) if type(cell) in (list, tuple): return ', '.join(cellstr(e) for e in cell) return str(cell) def makerow(row): rowstrs = [cellstr(cell).rjust(maxlen[i]) for i,cell in enumerate(row)] return '| ' + ' | '.join(rowstrs) + ' |\n' if header: body = [header] + body maxlen = [max(len(cellstr(cell)) for cell in col) for col in zip(*body)] if header: s += makerow(body[0]) s += '|'+'|'.join('-'*(m+2) for m in maxlen)+'|\n' body = body[1:] for row in body: s += makerow(row) return s if __name__ == '__main__': now = folder = os.path.join('tournaments', now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M")) Scenario.one_on_one(red='', blue='', output_folder=folder)