Source code for domination.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Domination game engine for Reinforcement Learning research.

This is the game engine module that can simulate games, without rendering them.
Refer to the readme for usage instructions.

__author__ = "Thomas van den Berg and Tim Doolan"
__version__ = '%d.%d.%d'%(MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH)

### IMPORTS ###
# Python
import random
import sys
import re
import os
import math
import time
import datetime
import itertools
import collections
import copy
import traceback
import bisect
import hashlib
import logging
from pprint import pprint
import cPickle as pickle
    import numpy
except ImportError:

# Local
from utilities import *
from libs import *

# Shortcuts
sqrt = math.sqrt
    inf = float('inf')
except ValueError:
    inf = 1e1000000
pi   = math.pi
sin  = math.sin
cos  = math.cos
rand = random.random

RANDOMSEED = 1597671198

TEAM_RED     = 0
TEAM_BLUE    = 1

CAPTURE_MODE_NEUTRAL  = 0 #: Controlpoints are neutral when occupied by both teams
CAPTURE_MODE_FIRST    = 1 #: Controlpoints stay in control of first team that captures them
CAPTURE_MODE_MAJORITY = 2 #: Controlpoints are owned by the team with the most occupiers

ENDGAME_NONE   = 0 #: End game when time expires
ENDGAME_SCORE  = 1 #: End game when either team has 0 score
ENDGAME_CRUMBS = 2 #: End game when all crumbs are picked up

DEFAULT_AGENT_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
ILLEGAL_PATH_CHARS = r'[:*?"<>\|\n]+'

AGENT_GLOBALS = globals().copy()

### CLASSES ###

[docs]class Settings(object): def __init__(self, max_steps=600, max_score=400, max_turn=pi/3, max_speed=40, max_range=60, max_see=100, field_known=True, ammo_rate=20, ammo_amount=3, agent_type='tank', spawn_time=10, tilesize=16, think_time=0.010, capture_mode=CAPTURE_MODE_MAJORITY, end_condition=ENDGAME_SCORE): """ Constructor for Settings class :param max_steps: How long the game will last at most :param max_score: If either team scores this much, the game is finished :param max_speed: Number of game units each tank can drive in its turn :param max_turn: The maximum angle that a tank can rotate in a turn :param max_range: The shooting range of tanks in game units :param max_see: How far tanks can see (vision is a square with sides that are 2x this value) :param field_known: Whether the agents have knowledge of the field at game start :param ammo_rate: How long it takes for ammo to reappear :param ammo_amount: How many bullets there are in each ammo pack :param agent_type: Type of the agents ('tank' or 'vacubot') :param spawn_time: Time that it takes for tanks to respawn :param think_time: How long the tanks have to do their computations (in seconds) :param capture_mode: One of the CAPTURE_MODE constants. :param end_condition: One of the ENDGAME flags. Use bitwise OR for multiple. :param tilesize: How big a single tile is (game units), change at risk of massive bugginess """ self.max_steps = max_steps self.max_score = max_score self.max_speed = max_speed self.max_turn = max_turn self.max_range = max_range self.max_see = max_see self.field_known = field_known self.ammo_rate = ammo_rate self.ammo_amount = ammo_amount self.agent_type = agent_type self.spawn_time = spawn_time self.think_time = think_time self.capture_mode = capture_mode self.end_condition = end_condition self.tilesize = tilesize # Validate if max_score % 2 != 0: raise Exception("Max score (%d) has to be even."%max_score) def __repr__(self): default = Settings() args = ('%s=%s'%(v,repr(getattr(self,v))) for v in vars(self) if getattr(self,v) != getattr(default,v)) args = ', '.join(args) return 'Settings(%s)'%args
[docs]class GameStats(object): def __init__(self): self.score_red = 0 #:The number of points scored by red self.score_blue = 0 #: The number of points scored by blue self.score = 0.0 #: The final score as a float (red/total) self.steps = 0 #: Number of steps the game lasted self.ammo_red = 0 #: Number of ammo packs that red picked up self.ammo_blue = 0 #: Idem for blue self.deaths_red = 0 #: Number red agents that got shot self.deaths_blue = 0 #: Number blue agents that got shot self.think_time_red = 0.0 #: Total time in seconds that red took to compute actions self.think_time_blue = 0.0 #: Idem for blue def __str__(self): items = sorted(self.__dict__.items()) maxlen = max(len(k) for k,v in items) return "== GAME STATS ==\n" + "\n".join(('%s : %r'%(k.ljust(maxlen), v)) for (k,v) in items)
class GameLog(object): """ Simple writable object that can replace sys.stdout """ def __init__(self, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose self.log = [] def write(self, string): if self.verbose and string != '\n': try: print >> sys.__stdout__, string except: pass self.log.append(string) def truncated(self, kbs=16): s = str(self) if len(s) > kbs*1024: msg = "\n== LOG TRUNCATED TO %dKB ==\n"%(kbs,) s = s[:kbs*1024-len(msg)] + msg return s def __str__(self): return ''.join(self.log) class Team(object): """ Holds info about a team. """ FIND_NAME = r'^[ \t]*NAME[ \t]*=[ \t]*[\'\"]([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_ ]{3,20})[\'\"]' NAME_UNSAFE = r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\_]+' def __init__(self, brain=None, init_kwargs={}, name=None): """ Initialize a Team object. :param brain: A path to the brain, or a string containing it, or an open file pointer. """ # Do some heuristics to find out how to get the agent: if brain is None: self.brain_string = '' self.name_external = name elif type(brain) == file: self.brain_string = self.name_external = os.path.basename( else: if, brain) is None: self.brain_string = open(brain).read() self.name_external = os.path.basename(brain) else: self.brain_string = brain self.name_external = name self.init_kwargs = init_kwargs self.brain_class = None # Fetch the NAME from the agent code match =, self.brain_string, re.M) if match: found = match.groups(1)[0] self.name_internal = re.sub(self.NAME_UNSAFE, '_', found) self.name_internal = self.name_internal.strip('_') else: self.name_internal = 'unnamed' self.raised_exception = False def setname(self, fullname): parts = fullname.split(' (', 1) if len(parts) == 1: self.name_internal = parts[0] else: self.name_internal, ext = parts self.name_external = ext[:-1] def fullname(self): if self.name_external is None: return self.name_internal else: return self.name_internal + ' (' + self.name_external + ')' def load(self, scope): """ Load up the brain from the string """ exec(self.brain_string, scope) return scope['Agent'] class AgentStub(object): """ Brains are replaced by this code when they can't be loaded for some reason. """ def __init__(*args, **kwargs): pass def observe(self,o): pass def action(self): return (0,0,False) def finalize(self, interrupted=False): pass def debug(self, surface): pass
[docs]class Game(object): """ The main game class. Contains game data and methods for simulation. """ SIMULATION_SUBSTEPS = 10 SIMULATION_MAXITER = 20 STATE_NEW = 0 STATE_READY = 1 STATE_RUNNING = 2 STATE_INTERRUPT = 3 STATE_ENDED = 4 def __init__(self, red=open(DEFAULT_AGENT_FILE), blue=open(DEFAULT_AGENT_FILE), red_init={}, blue_init={}, settings=Settings(), field=None, record=False, replay=None, rendered=True, verbose=True, hard_errors=False, step_callback=None): """ Constructor for Game class :param red: Descriptor of the red agent. Can be either a path, an open file, a string with the class definition, or an instance of :class:`~domination.core.Team` :param blue: Descriptor of the blue agent :param red_init: A dictionary of keyword arguments passed to the red agent constructor. :param blue_init: Like red_init. :param settings: Instance of the settings class. :param field: An instance of Field to play this game on, or a generator. :param record: Store all actions in a game replay. :param replay: Pass a game replay to play it. :param rendered: Enable/disable the renderer. :param verbose: Print game log to output. :param hard_errors: Enable to make agent errors interrupt the game. :param step_callback: Function that is called on every step. Useful for debugging. """ self.record = record self.verbose = verbose self.step_callback = step_callback self.hard_errors = hard_errors # Public properties self.log = GameLog(self.verbose) #: The game log as an instance of class:`~domination.core.GameLog` self.replay = replay #: The replay object, can be accessed after game has run self.stats = None #: Instance of :class:`~domination.core.GameStats`. = red if isinstance(red, Team) else Team(red, red_init) #: Instance of :class:`~domination.core.Team`. = blue if isinstance(blue, Team) else Team(blue, blue_init) #: Instance of :class:`~domination.core.Team`. if self.record and self.replay is not None: raise Exception("Cannot record and play replay at the same time.") # Set up a new game if replay is None: self.settings = settings if isinstance(field, FieldGenerator): self.field = field.generate() elif field is None: self.field = FieldGenerator().generate() else: self.field = field self.settings.tilesize = self.field.tilesize # Load up a replay else: if replay.version != __version__: print >> sys.stderr, ("WARNING: Replay is for version %s, you have %s."%(replay.version, __version__)) self.settings = replay.settings self.field = replay.field # Create the renderer if needed if rendered: self.add_renderer() else: self.renderer = None self.state = Game.STATE_NEW def _agent_call(self, method, args=[], kwargs={}, team=TEAM_NEUTRAL, default=None): """ Calls a method on an agent, wrapping it in a try/catch block to prevent agents from crashing the game. """ if self.hard_errors: return method(*args, **kwargs) else: try: return method(*args, **kwargs) except Exception, e: if team == TEAM_RED: = True else: = True print "\n%s raised exception in < %s() >" % ('RED' if team == TEAM_RED else 'BLU', method.__name__) print '-' * 60 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) print '-' * 60 return default def add_renderer(self, **kwargs): import renderer globals()['renderer'] = renderer self.renderer = renderer.Renderer(self, **kwargs) def _setup(self): """ Sets up the game. """ # Redirect STDOUT self.old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self.log # Print version print "Domination Game Ver. %s"%__version__ # Read agent brains (from string or file) print "Playing `%s` vs. `%s`"%(, self.random = random.Random() self.random.seed(RANDOMSEED) # Initialize new replay if self.record: self.replay = ReplayData(self) self.replay.red_name = self.replay.blue_name = # Load field objects allobjects = self.field.get_objects() cps = [o for o in allobjects if isinstance(o, ControlPoint)] reds = [o for o in allobjects if isinstance(o, TankSpawn) and == TEAM_RED] blues = [o for o in allobjects if isinstance(o, TankSpawn) and == TEAM_BLUE] # Game logic variables self.score_red = self.settings.max_score / 2 self.score_blue = self.settings.max_score / 2 self.step = 0 self.interrupted = False self.keys = [] # Simulation variables self.object_uid = 0 self.objects = [] self.broadphase_mov = [] self.broadphase_stat = [] # Performance tracking self.stats = GameStats() self.think_time_red = 0.0 self.think_time_blue = 0.0 self.update_time_total = 0.0 self.sim_time = 0.0 self.sim_time_total = 0.0 # Game objects self.tanks = [] self.controlpoints = [] for o in allobjects: self._add_object(o) self.controlpoints = cps # Initialize tanks print "Initializing agents." if self.record or self.replay is None: # Initialize new tanks with brains brain_kwargs = {'settings': self.settings} if self.settings.field_known: brain_kwargs.update({'field_rects': self.field.wallrects, 'field_grid': self.field.wallgrid, 'nav_mesh': self.field.mesh}) red_brain_class = self._agent_call(, kwargs={'scope':AGENT_GLOBALS.copy()}, team=TEAM_RED, default=AgentStub) blue_brain_class = self._agent_call(, kwargs={'scope':AGENT_GLOBALS.copy()}, team=TEAM_BLUE, default=AgentStub) def construct_tanks(brainclass, init_kwargs, team, spawns): for i,s in enumerate(spawns): kwargs = copy.deepcopy(brain_kwargs) kwargs.update(init_kwargs) brain = self._agent_call(brainclass, args=[i, team], kwargs=kwargs, team=team, default=AgentStub()) t = Tank(s.x+2, s.y+2, s.angle, i, team=team, brain=brain, spawn=s, record=self.record) self.tanks.append(t) self._add_object(t) construct_tanks(red_brain_class,, TEAM_RED, reds) construct_tanks(blue_brain_class,, TEAM_BLUE, blues) else: # Initialize tanks to play replays for i,(s,a) in enumerate(zip(reds,self.replay.actions_red)): t = Tank(s.x+2, s.y+2, s.angle, i, team=TEAM_RED, spawn=s, actions=a[:]) self.tanks.append(t) self._add_object(t) for i,(s,a) in enumerate(zip(blues,self.replay.actions_blue)): t = Tank(s.x+2, s.y+2, s.angle, i, team=TEAM_BLUE, spawn=s, actions=a[:]) self.tanks.append(t) self._add_object(t) self.tanks_red = [tank for tank in self.tanks if == TEAM_RED] self.tanks_blue = [tank for tank in self.tanks if == TEAM_BLUE] self.state = Game.STATE_READY self.interrupted = False
[docs] def run(self): """ Start and loop the game. """ if self.state != Game.STATE_READY: self._setup() res = Game.SIMULATION_SUBSTEPS render = self.renderer is not None settings = self.settings ## MAIN GAME LOOP self.state = Game.STATE_RUNNING try: for s in xrange(settings.max_steps): self.step = s+1 if self.step % 10 == 0: print "Step %d: %d - %d"%(self.step, self.score_red, self.score_blue) if self.step_callback is not None: self.step_callback(self) ## UPDATE & CHECK VICTORY p = time.clock() for o in self.objects: o.update() for t in self.tanks: t.send_observation() for t in self.tanks: t.get_action() # Compute shooting for tank in self.tanks: tank.hit = None tank.clicked = [] if tank.shoots: tcx, tcy = tank._x + tank.width/2, tank._y + tank.height/2 target = (cos(tank.angle) * settings.max_range + tcx, sin(tank.angle) * settings.max_range + tcy) hits = self._raycast((tcx, tcy), target, exclude=tank) tank._hitx, tank._hity = target if hits: t, (px,py), who = hits[0] tank._hitx, tank._hity = px, py if isinstance(who, Tank): tank.hit = who.respawn_in = self.settings.spawn_time # Record times self.update_time_total += time.clock() - p sum_red = sum(tank.time_thought for tank in self.tanks_red) sum_blue = sum(tank.time_thought for tank in self.tanks_blue) self.stats.think_time_red += sum_red self.stats.think_time_blue += sum_blue if self.tanks_red: self.think_time_red = sum_red / len(self.tanks_red) if self.tanks_blue: self.think_time_blue = sum_blue / len(self.tanks_blue) # Score ending condition if ((self.settings.end_condition & ENDGAME_SCORE) and (self.score_red == 0 or self.score_blue == 0)): break # No crumbs left ending condition if ((self.settings.end_condition & ENDGAME_CRUMBS) and not any(True for o in allobjects if isinstance(o, Crumb))): break ## RESET SOME STUFF if render: self.keys = [] ## SIMULATE AND RENDER for o in self.objects: if o.movable: o._dx = (o.x - o._x) / res o._dy = (o.y - o._y) / res if render: o._da = (o.angle - o._a) / renderer.ROTATION_FRAMES # Render rotation/shooting if render: for _ in xrange(renderer.ROTATION_FRAMES): for o in self.objects: o._a += o._da self.renderer.render(self) for f in xrange(renderer.SHOOTING_FRAMES): self.renderer.render(self, shooting_frame = f) # Reset tanks that got shot for tank in self.tanks: if tank.respawn_in == self.settings.spawn_time: if == TEAM_RED: self.stats.deaths_red += 1 else: self.stats.deaths_blue += 1 tank.ammo = 0 tank.x = tank._x = tank.spawn.x + 2 tank.y = tank._y = tank.spawn.y + 2 tank._dx = tank._dy = 0 tank.angle = tank._a = tank.spawn.angle # Simulate/Render movement self.sim_time = 0.0 for step in xrange(res): p = time.clock() # Perform one physics substep self._substep() self.sim_time += time.clock() - p if render: self.renderer.render(self) self.sim_time_total += self.sim_time for o in self.objects: if o.movable: o.x = o._x o.y = o._y o._a = o.angle = angle_fix(o.angle) except GameInterrupt: self.state = Game.STATE_INTERRUPT except KeyboardInterrupt: self.state = Game.STATE_INTERRUPT self._end(interrupted=(self.state==Game.STATE_INTERRUPT)) return self # For chaining, if you're into that.
def _end(self, interrupted=False): """ End the game and tells all the agents that the game is over so that they can write any remaining info. """ if self.renderer is not None: self.renderer.quit() if interrupted: print "Game was interrupted." self.interrupted = True self.state = Game.STATE_ENDED self.stats.score_red = self.score_red self.stats.score_blue = self.score_blue self.stats.score = self.score_red / float(self.score_red + self.score_blue) self.stats.steps = self.step print self.stats if self.record: self.replay.settings = copy.copy(self.settings) self.replay.field = self.field self.replay.actions_red = [tank.actions for tank in self.tanks_red] self.replay.actions_blue = [tank.actions for tank in self.tanks_blue] # Finalize tanks brains. if self.record or self.replay is None: for tank in self.tanks: self._agent_call(tank.brain.finalize, args=[interrupted], # Set the stdout back to whatever it was before sys.stdout = self.old_stdout def _substep(self): """ Performs a single physics substep. All objects are moved by their respective _dx and _dy amounts, collisions are computed, and all objects are repeatedly separated until no large collisions occur anymore. """ for o in self.broadphase_mov: o._x += o._dx o._y += o._dy o._moved = True # if (o._dx != 0 or o._dy != 0) else False something_collided = True iteration = Game.SIMULATION_MAXITER pairs = set([]) while something_collided and iteration > 0: self.broadphase_mov.sort(key=lambda o:(o._x)) collisions = [] k = 0 for i, o1 in enumerate(self.broadphase_mov): for o2 in self.broadphase_mov[i+1:]: # If the object didn't move, no need to check. if o2._moved or o1._moved: # Break if the next object's _x is already outside # this object's bounds. (The essential bit) if o2._x >= o1._x + o1.width: break # Otherwise check if the y's intersect too if o2._y < (o1._y + o1.height) and o1._y < (o2._y + o2.height): sep = self._compute_separation(o1,o2) if sep is not None: if o1.solid and o2.solid: collisions.append(sep) if (o1, o2) not in pairs: pairs.add((o2, o1)) if o1._moved: sf = True for o2 in self.broadphase_stat[k:]: # Maintain marker index for static broadphase if o2._x + o2.width <= o1._x: if sf: k += 1 continue elif sf: sf = False # Break if the next object's _x is already outside # this object's bounds. (The essential bit) if o2._x >= o1._x + o1.width: break # Otherwise check if the y's intersect too if o2._y < (o1._y + o1.height) and o1._y < (o2._y + o2.height): sep = self._compute_separation(o1,o2) if sep is not None: if o1.solid and o2.solid: collisions.append(sep) if (o1, o2) not in pairs: pairs.add((o2, o1)) o1._moved = False something_collided = len(collisions) > 0 # Sort the collisions on their first property, the penetration distance. collisions.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda c: c[0]) for (p, o1, o2, px, py) in collisions: if p < 1: break if not o1._moved and not o2._moved: if o1.movable: if o2.movable: dx = px/2 dy = py/2 o1._x += dx o1._y += dy o2._x -= dx o2._y -= dy o1._moved = True o2._moved = True else: o1._x += px o1._y += py o1._moved = True else: o2._x -= px o2._y -= py o2._moved = True iteration -= 1 pairs = sorted(pairs) for (o1,o2) in pairs: o1.collide(o2) o2.collide(o1) def _add_object(self,o): """ Add an object to the game and collision list. """ = self o.uid = hashlib.md5(str(self.object_uid)).digest() self.object_uid += 1 self.objects.append(o) if o.physical: if o.movable: self.broadphase_mov.append(o) self.broadphase_mov.sort(key=lambda o:(o._x)) else: self.broadphase_stat.append(o) self.broadphase_stat.sort(key=lambda o:(o._x)) o.added_to_game(self) def _rem_object(self,o): """ Removes an object from the game and collision lists. """ self.objects.remove(o) if o.physical: if o.movable: self.broadphase_mov.remove(o) else: self.broadphase_stat.remove(o) # Check if we need to remove this object from a parent if hasattr(o, 'parent'): o.parent.remove_child(o) def _get_objects_in_bounds(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, solid_only=True): """ Return a list of all objects whose bounding boxes intersect the given bounds. """ for o in self.broadphase_mov: if o._x > xmax: break if (not solid_only or o.solid) and o._x + o.width > xmin: if ymin < (o._y + o.height) and o._y < ymax: yield o for o in self.broadphase_stat: if o._x > xmax: break if (not solid_only or o.solid) and o._x + o.width > xmin: if ymin < (o._y + o.height) and o._y < ymax: yield o def _compute_separation(self, object1, object2): """ Compute object separation/penetration Returns a tuple or None. The tuple consists of the penetration distance, both objects, and the required movement of _object1_ to separate. """ # Find out what kind of collision we're dealing with # The circle proxy is either a real circle, or a rect's corner # that another circle collides with. objects_switched = False if ((object1.shape == GameObject.SHAPE_CIRC) and (object2.shape == GameObject.SHAPE_CIRC)): circleproxy = (object1._x, object1._y, object1.width/2) sep_as_circles = True elif ((object1.shape == GameObject.SHAPE_RECT) and (object2.shape == GameObject.SHAPE_RECT)): sep_as_circles = False else: if (object1.shape == GameObject.SHAPE_CIRC): objects_switched = True (object1, object2) = (object2, object1) cx = object2._x + object2.width/2 cy = object2._y + object2.height/2 ra = object2.width/2 l, t = object1._x, object1._y r, b = l + object1.width, t + object1.height sep_as_circles = False if cx < l: if cy < t: circleproxy = (l,t,0.0) sep_as_circles = True elif cy > b: circleproxy = (l,b,0.0) sep_as_circles = True elif cx > r: if cy < t: circleproxy = (r,t,0.0) sep_as_circles = True elif cy > b: circleproxy = (r,b,0.0) sep_as_circles = True # Separate Circle/Circle if sep_as_circles: (cx,cy,ra) = circleproxy md = ra + object2.width / 2 # Minimum distance dx = (cx + ra) - (object2._x + object2.width/2) dy = (cy + ra) - (object2._y + object2.height/2) ds = dx*dx + dy*dy # Actual distance squared if ds < 0.01: p,px,py = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 elif ds < md*md: d = sqrt(ds) # Actual Distance p = md - d # Penetration amount f = p/d px = f * dx py = f * dy else: return None # Separate Rect/Rect else: o1l, o1t = object1._x, object1._y o1r, o1b = o1l + object1.width, o1t + object1.height o2l, o2t = object2._x, object2._y o2r, o2b = o2l + object2.width, o2t + object2.height p,px,py = inf, 0, 0 # Try to find the side with the smallest separation distance pt = o1r - o2l # Left side penetration if 0 < pt: p, px, py = pt, -pt, 0.0 else: return None pt = o1b - o2t # Top penetration if 0 < pt: if pt < p: p, px, py = pt, 0.0, -pt else: return None pt = o2r - o1l # Right side penetration if 0 < pt: if pt < p: p, px, py = pt, pt, 0.0 else: return None pt = o2b - o1t # Bottom penetration (really...) if 0 < pt: if pt < p: p, px, py = pt, 0.0, pt else: return None if objects_switched: object1, object2 = object2, object1 px, py = -px, -py return (p, object1, object2, px, py) def _raycast(self, p0, p1, exclude=None): """ Shoots a ray from p0 to p1 and determines which objects are hit and at what time in the parametric line equation p0 + t * (p1 - p0) """ p0x, p0y = p0 p1x, p1y = p1 xmin, xmax = (p0x, p1x) if p0x < p1x else (p1x, p0x) ymin, ymax = (p0y, p1y) if p0y < p1y else (p1y, p0y) # List collided pairs in_box = self._get_objects_in_bounds(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) # Determine actual hits hits = [] for o in in_box: if o != exclude: if o.shape == GameObject.SHAPE_RECT: isect = line_intersects_rect(p0,p1,(o._x,o._y,o.width,o.height)) if isect: # Append the t0 (intersection time) and object hits.append((isect[0][0],isect[0][1],o)) elif o.shape == GameObject.SHAPE_CIRC: r = o.width/2 isect = line_intersects_circ(p0,p1,(o._x+r,o._y+r),r) if isect: # Append the t0 (intersection time), position and object hits.append((isect[0][0],isect[0][1],o)) hits.sort(key=lambda h: h[0]) return hits def _click(self, (x,y), shift): """ Tells the game that the right-mouse button was clicked somewhere on the field. """ for t in self.tanks: t.send_click((x, y, shift, t.selected)) def _keypress(self, key): """ Tells the game that some key on the keyboard was pressed. """ self.keys.append(key) def _select_tanks(self, rect, team=0): """ Function that is called by the renderer to set selected=True on tanks in the given rectangle. Handy for manually selecting and controlling tanks. """ x,y,w,h = rect if w < 0: x += w w = -w if h < 0: y += h h = -h for t in self.tanks: if (t._x < x+w and t._y < y+h and t._x + t.width > x and t._y + t.height > y) and == team: t.selected = True else: t.selected = False def __str__(self): args = ','.join(['%r', '%r', 'settings=%r'%self.settings]) if != {}: args += ',red_init=%r' if != {}: args += ',blue_init=%r' return 'Game(%s)'%args
class Field(object): """ Class representing a playing field. You can use to_file, which dumps an ASCII representation of the field to a file, or you can pickle the entire Field object. Any way to create a Field is fine, the included FieldGenerator does a pretty good job! """ # TILE MARKERS NOT = '^' WALL = 'W' AMMO = 'A' SOURCE = 'S' RED = 'R' BLUE = 'B' CONTROL = 'C' CLEAR = '_' REACHABLE = '.' def __init__(self, width, height, tilesize): # Settings variables self.width = width self.height = height self.tilesize = tilesize # Initial empty tilemap with border # Create rows t = [Field.WALL] * self.width m = [Field.WALL] + [Field.CLEAR] * (self.width - 2) + [Field.WALL] b = [Field.WALL] * self.width # Stack top + middle + bottom self.tiles = [t] + [m[:] for _ in xrange(self.height-2)] + [b] self._unpacked = None ## BUILTINS def __getstate__(self): """ Used for pickling, removes the _unpacked property """ self._unpacked = None return self.__dict__ def __str__(self): """ Returns the ASCII representation of this field """ return '\n'.join([' '.join(row) for row in self.tiles]) def __eq__(self, other): """ Equality, for testing purposes """ return (self.width == other.width and self.height == other.height and self.tilesize == other.tilesize and self.tiles == other.tiles) ## SAVING/LOADING @classmethod def from_string(cls, s): """ Returns a new Field from given ASCII representation. """ tiles = [[t.upper() for t in l.split()] for l in s.strip().split('\n')] h, w = len(tiles), len(tiles[0]) field = cls(w, h, tilesize=16) field.tiles = tiles return field def to_file(self, filename): open(filename,'w').write(str(self)) ## MANIPULATION def clone(self): """ Returns an exact copy of this field, that can be modified without changing this one. """ f = Field(self.width, self.height, self.tilesize) f.tiles = [r[:] for r in self.tiles] return f def find(self, match, bounds=None, mask=None): """ Find all (x,y) positions of given tile marker. e.g. field.find(Field.CONTROL) returns positions of all controlpoints, (in tile coordinates). """ if bounds is None: bounds = (0, 0, self.width, self.height) if match.startswith(Field.NOT): matches = lambda x: x not in match[1:] else: matches = lambda x: x in match found = [] for i in xrange(bounds[1], bounds[3]): for j in xrange(bounds[0], bounds[2]): if matches(self.tiles[i][j]) and (mask is None or mask[i][j]): found.append((j,i)) return found def set(self, coords, marker, mirror=False, match='^'): """ Set tiles in coords to a marker, but only if it matches the given match expression. """ if match.startswith(Field.NOT): matches = lambda x: x not in match[1:] else: matches = lambda x: x in match # If only a single point was given, wrap it in list. if len(coords) and type(coords[0]) == int: coords = [coords] for i, (x,y) in enumerate(coords): if matches(self.tiles[y][x]): self.tiles[y][x] = marker if mirror: self.tiles[y][self.width-1-x] = marker def scatter(self, marker, num, pad=1, mirror=True): """ Scatter markers over the map, symmetrically or not.""" midline = int(self.width / 2.0 + 0.5) if mirror: bounds = (pad, pad, midline-pad, self.height - pad) clear = self.find(Field.CLEAR, bounds=bounds) # Begin by scattering half of the points. points = random.sample(clear, num // 2) self.set(points, marker, mirror=True) # If odd number, add one more on midline: if num%2: bounds = (midline-1, pad, midline, self.height - pad) point = random.choice(self.find(Field.CLEAR, bounds=bounds)) self.set(point, marker) else: # If not mirroring, just scatter the whole bunch. bounds = (pad, pad, self.width-1-pad, self.height-1-pad) clear = self.find(Field.CLEAR, bounds=bounds) points = random.sample(clear, num) self.set(points, marker) def fill_unreachable(self): spawn = self.find(Field.RED)[0] or self.find(Field.BLUE)[0] reach = reachable(self.tiles, spawn, border=Field.WALL) reach = self.find(Field.CLEAR, mask=reach) # Mark reachable areas self.set(reach, Field.REACHABLE) # Set the rest to walls self.set(self.find(Field.CLEAR), Field.WALL) clear = self.find(Field.REACHABLE + Field.CLEAR) self.set(clear, Field.CLEAR) def valid(self): """ Check if map is valid, i.e. all points are reachable """ spawn = self.find(Field.RED)[0] or self.find(Field.BLUE)[0] reachability = reachable(self.tiles, spawn, border=Field.WALL) for (x, y) in self.find(Field.AMMO + Field.CONTROL + Field.BLUE + Field.RED): if not reachability[y][x]: return False return True ## ACCESS BY GAME def unpack(self): """ Unpacks the tilemap and generates derivative properties like the navigation mesh, wall rects, and game objects. Game objects are not actually created yet, but GENERATED ON THE FLY when the game asks for them, so that each game gets a shiny new batch of game objects. """ _unpacked = {'wallrects':[], 'objects': [], 'mesh': None, 'grid': None} def create_object(x, y, marker): """ Creates an object from a tile marker """ kwargs = {} if marker == Field.AMMO: cls = AmmoFountain elif marker == Field.SOURCE: cls = CrumbFountain elif marker == Field.CONTROL: cls = ControlPoint elif marker == Field.RED: cls = TankSpawn kwargs.update({'angle': 0, 'team': TEAM_RED}) elif marker == Field.BLUE: cls = TankSpawn kwargs.update({'angle': pi, 'team': TEAM_BLUE}) else: raise Exception("Unknown map marker '%s'"%marker) offset = cls.SIZE/2.0 - self.tilesize/2.0 kwargs['x'] = x * self.tilesize - offset kwargs['y'] = y * self.tilesize - offset return (cls, kwargs) # Unpacking tilemap for i, row in enumerate(self.tiles): for j, tile in enumerate(row): if tile == self.WALL: _unpacked["wallrects"].append((j*self.tilesize, i*self.tilesize, self.tilesize, self.tilesize)) elif tile not in self.CLEAR + self.REACHABLE: _unpacked["objects"].append(create_object(j, i, tile)) # Optimize the walls and generate Wall objects _unpacked['wallrects'] = rects_merge(_unpacked['wallrects']) _unpacked['objects'].extend( (Wall, {'x':x, 'y':y, 'width':w, 'height':h}) for (x,y,w,h) in _unpacked['wallrects'] ) # Generate nav mesh add_points = [(, for o in _unpacked['objects'] if (isinstance(o,Ammo) or isinstance(o,ControlPoint))] _unpacked['mesh'] = make_nav_mesh(_unpacked['wallrects'], simplify=0.3,add_points=add_points) # Generate wall grid _unpacked['grid'] = [[(1 if t == self.WALL else 0) for t in row] for row in self.tiles] self._unpacked = _unpacked @property def mesh(self): if not self._unpacked: self.unpack() return self._unpacked['mesh'] @property def wallgrid(self): if not self._unpacked: self.unpack() return self._unpacked['grid'] @property def wallrects(self): if not self._unpacked: self.unpack() return self._unpacked['wallrects'] def get_objects(self): """ Creates the gameobjects and returns them """ if not self._unpacked: self.unpack() return [cls(**kwargs) for (cls, kwargs) in self._unpacked['objects']]
[docs]class FieldGenerator(object): """ Generates field objects from random distribution """ def __init__(self, width=41, height=24, tilesize=16, mirror=True, num_red=6, num_blue=6, num_points=3, num_ammo=6, num_crumbsource=0, wall_fill=0.4, wall_len=(3,7), wall_width=4, wall_orientation=0.5, wall_gridsize=6): """ Create a FieldGenerator object with certain parameters for a random distribution of fields. :param width: The width of the field in tiles :param height: The height of the field in tiles :param tilesize: The size of each tile (don't change from 16) :param mirror: Make a symmetrical map :param num_blue: The number of blue spawns :param num_red: The number of red spawns :param num_points: The number of controlpoints :param num_ammo: The number of ammo locations on the map :param num_crumbsource: The number of crumb fountains :param wall_fill: What portion of the map is occupied by walls :param wall_len: A range for the length of wall sections (min, max) :param wall_width: The width of each wall section :param wall_orientation: The probability that each wall will be placed horizontally i.e. that the walls length will be along a horizontal axis :param wall_gridsize: Place walls only at every n-th tile with their top-left """ self.width = width self.height = height self.tilesize = tilesize self.mirror = mirror self.num_red = num_red self.num_blue = num_blue self.num_points = num_points self.num_ammo = num_ammo self.num_crumbsource = num_crumbsource self.wall_fill = wall_fill self.wall_len = wall_len self.wall_width = wall_width self.wall_orientation = wall_orientation self.wall_gridsize = wall_gridsize
[docs] def generate(self): """ Generates a new field using the parameters for random distribution set in the constructor. :returns: A :class:`~domination.core.Field` instance. """ # Create a new field field = Field(width=self.width, height=self.height, tilesize=self.tilesize) ## IMPORTANT OBJECTS # Add controlpoints field.scatter(Field.CONTROL, self.num_points, pad = 4, mirror=self.mirror) # Add sources of crumbs field.scatter(Field.SOURCE, self.num_crumbsource, pad = 2, mirror=self.mirror) # Spawn regions spawn_h = int(sqrt(max(self.num_red, self.num_blue)) + 0.5) # height of the spawn block spawn_y = random.randint(1, self.height - 2 - spawn_h) # y-pos of the spawn block for i in xrange(max(self.num_red, self.num_blue)): if i < self.num_red: x = 1 + i // spawn_h y = spawn_y + i%spawn_h field.set((x,y), Field.RED) if i < self.num_blue: x = self.width - 2 - i//spawn_h y = spawn_y + i%spawn_h field.set((x,y), Field.BLUE) ## WALLS midline = int(0.5 + self.width/2.0) # Add objects untill enough % is filled min_filled = self.height*self.width*self.wall_fill if len(self.wall_len) == 2: min_len, max_len = self.wall_len else: min_len, max_len = self.wall_len, self.wall_len attempts = 100 while len(field.find('W')) < min_filled and attempts: new = field.clone() # Create horizontal section if rand() < self.wall_orientation: sec_width = random.randint(min_len,max_len) sec_height = self.wall_width # Create vertical section else: sec_width = self.wall_width sec_height = random.randint(min_len,max_len) # If map is mirrored, put stuff on left half only if self.mirror: x = random.randint(1, midline - sec_width) y = random.randint(1, self.height - sec_height - 1) else: x = random.randint(1, self.width - sec_width) y = random.randint(1, self.height - sec_height - 1) # Round to gridsize x = (x // self.wall_gridsize) * self.wall_gridsize y = (y // self.wall_gridsize) * self.wall_gridsize pts = new.find('W_.', bounds=(x, y, x + sec_width, y + sec_height)) if len(pts) == sec_width*sec_height: new.set(pts, Field.WALL, self.mirror) if new.valid(): field = new new.fill_unreachable() continue attempts -= 1 # Clear walls under controlpoints for (x, y) in field.find(Field.CONTROL): for _y in xrange(y-1,y+2): for _x in xrange(x-1,x+2): field.set((_x,_y), Field.CLEAR, match=Field.WALL) ## ITEMS field.scatter(Field.AMMO, self.num_ammo) return field
class GameObject(object): """ Generic game object """ SHAPE_RECT = 0 SHAPE_CIRC = 1 SIZE = 12 def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, width=12, height=12, angle=0, shape=0, solid=True, movable=True, physical=True, graphic='default'): # Game variables self.uid = -1 self.x = float(x) self.y = float(y) self.width = float(width) self.height = float(height) self.angle = float(angle) self.shape = shape self.solid = solid self.movable = movable self.physical = physical self.graphic = graphic # Graphic used by the renderer. if not movable: = int(x + self.SIZE/2) = int(y + self.SIZE/2) # Internal vars, used by the collision detection self._x = self.x self._y = self.y self._a = self.angle self._dx = 0.0 self._dy = 0.0 self._da = 0.0 self._moved = False def added_to_game(self, game): """ Tells the object that it has been added to the game, that includes having its ".game" attribute set. """ pass def update(self): """ Tells this object to update its game state. Only called once per game-step. """ pass def collide(self, other): """ Informs the object that it has collided with another. Is called once per simulation substep. """ pass def __eq__(self, other): return id(self) == id(other) def __ne__(self, other): return id(self) != id(other) def __lt__(self, other): return self.uid < other.uid def __cmp__(self, other): raise Exception("no sorting") ## Gameobject Subclasses class Tank(GameObject): SIZE = 12 SIZE_VACUBOT = 16 def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, angle=0, id=0, team=TEAM_RED, brain=None, spawn=None, actions=None, record=False): super(Tank, self).__init__(x=x, y=y, angle=angle, width=self.SIZE, height=self.SIZE, shape=GameObject.SHAPE_CIRC, solid=True, movable=True) if team == TEAM_RED: self.graphic = 'tank_red' else: self.graphic = 'tank_blue' self.brain = brain = id = team self.ammo = 0 self.selected = False self.clicked = [] self.shoots = False self.hit = None #: What the tank hit. Can be None/TEAM_RED/TEAM_BLUE self.respawn_in = -1 self.spawn = spawn # A list of actions, either for recording or playing back. self.actions = actions if actions is not None else [] self.record = record self.time_thought = 0.0 # Additional hidden vars self._hitx = 0.0 self._hity = 0.0 self.grid_x = 0 self.grid_y = 0 def added_to_game(self, game): # Initialize observation self.observation = Observation() gridrng = ( self.observation.walls = [[0 for _ in xrange(gridrng*2+1)] for _ in xrange(gridrng*2+1)] # Adjust settings for vacubot if game.settings.agent_type == 'vacubot': self.width = self.height = self.SIZE_VACUBOT if == TEAM_RED: self.graphic = 'vacubot_red' else: self.graphic = 'vacubot_blue' def update(self): # Check alive status if self.respawn_in == 0: self.respawn_in = -1 elif self.respawn_in > 0: self.respawn_in -= 1 def send_observation(self): """ Send an observation to this agent's brain, if it has one """ rng = obs = self.observation siz = self.width / 2.0 obs.step = obs.loc = mx, my = (int(self.x+siz), int(self.y+siz)) obs.angle = self.angle obs.ammo = self.ammo obs.friends = [] obs.foes = [] obs.objects = [] obs.respawn_in = self.respawn_in obs.hit = self.hit obs.score = (, obs.selected = self.selected obs.clicked = self.clicked obs.keys = close = - rng, self.x + self.width + rng, self.y - rng, self.y + self.height + rng, solid_only=False) for o in close: if isinstance(o, Tank): if == if o != self: obs.friends.append((int(o._x+siz), int(o._y+siz))) else: obs.foes.append((int(o._x+siz), int(o._y+siz), o._a)) elif isinstance(o, Ammo): obs.objects.append((,, "Ammo")) elif isinstance(o, Crumb): obs.objects.append((,, "Crumb")) obs.cps = [(,, for cp in] # Observe walls f = xj, yi = mx//f.tilesize, my//f.tilesize # Only regenerate grid if we moved to another cell. if xj != self.grid_x or yi != self.grid_y: gridrng = (rng/2+1)//f.tilesize w,h = f.width, f.height for oi,i in enumerate(xrange(yi-gridrng, yi+gridrng+1)): for oj,j in enumerate(xrange(xj-gridrng, xj+gridrng+1)): if (i >= 0 and j >= 0 and i < h and j < w and f.wallgrid[i][j] == 0): obs.walls[oi][oj] = 0 else: obs.walls[oi][oj] = 1 self.grid_x = xj self.grid_y = yi last_clock = time.clock() if self.brain is not None:, args=[obs], self.time_thought = time.clock() - last_clock def get_action(self): ## Ask brain for action (or replay) if not self.record and self.actions: # print "i gots actions %s-%d"%('BLU' if else 'RED', # print len(self.actions) (turn, speed, shoot) = self.actions.pop(0) else: last_clock = time.clock() def _act(): action = self.brain.action() if action is None or len(action) != 3: raise Exception("Action should be a 3-tuple of (turn, speed, shoot)") return action (turn, speed, shoot) =, default=(0,0,False), self.time_thought += time.clock() - last_clock # Ignore action (NO-OP) if agent thought too long. if self.time_thought > (turn, speed, shoot) = (0,0,False) print '[Game]: Agent %s-%d timed out (%.3fs).'%('RED'if else 'BLU',,self.time_thought) if self.record: self.actions.append((turn,speed,shoot)) if is not None and == self.brain.debug( self.shoots = False if self.respawn_in == -1: max_turn = speed = max(, min(, speed)) turn = max(-max_turn, min(max_turn, angle_fix(turn))) self.angle += turn self.x += math.cos(self.angle)*speed self.y += math.sin(self.angle)*speed # Process shooting if shoot and self.ammo > 0: self.shoots = True self.ammo -= 1 self.observation.collided = False def collide(self, other): if isinstance(other, Tank): self.observation.collided = True elif isinstance(other, Wall): self.observation.collided = True def send_click(self, clicktuple): self.clicked.append(clicktuple) class Wall(GameObject): def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['graphic'] = None kwargs['movable'] = False kwargs['solid'] = True super(Wall, self).__init__(**kwargs) class ControlPoint(GameObject): SIZE = 24 def __init__(self,x,y): super(ControlPoint, self).__init__(x=x, y=y, width=ControlPoint.SIZE, height=ControlPoint.SIZE, shape=GameObject.SHAPE_CIRC, solid=False, movable=False, graphic='cp_neutral') = TEAM_NEUTRAL self.collided = [0, 0, 0] def update(self): self.collided = [0, 0, 0] if == TEAM_RED and < += 1 -= 1 elif == TEAM_BLUE and < += 1 -= 1 def collide(self, other): if isinstance(other, Tank): self.collided[] += 1 if == CAPTURE_MODE_NEUTRAL: if not (self.collided[TEAM_RED] and self.collided[TEAM_BLUE]): = else: = TEAM_NEUTRAL if == CAPTURE_MODE_FIRST: if self.collided[] == 0: = elif == CAPTURE_MODE_MAJORITY: if != and self.collided[] == self.collided[]: = TEAM_NEUTRAL elif self.collided[] > self.collided[]: = if == TEAM_RED: self.graphic = 'cp_red' elif == TEAM_BLUE: self.graphic = 'cp_blue' else: self.graphic = 'cp_neutral' class Ammo(GameObject): """ Represents an ammo pack. """ SIZE = 16 GRAPHIC = 'ammo_full' def __init__(self,x,y): super(Ammo, self).__init__(x=x, y=y, width=self.SIZE, height=self.SIZE, shape=GameObject.SHAPE_CIRC, solid=False, movable=False, graphic=self.GRAPHIC) self.pickedup = False def collide(self, other): if not self.pickedup and isinstance(other, Tank): if == TEAM_RED: += 1 elif == TEAM_BLUE: += 1 other.ammo += self.pickedup = True class Crumb(Ammo): """ Represents a crumb, something that can be picked up, with no other purpose than being registered as picked up. Essentially a small ammo packet. """ SIZE = 4 GRAPHIC = 'crumb' class Fountain(GameObject): """ A non-physical object that spawns other objects at regular intervals, or when there are too few of its 'child' objects on the map. """ MIN_CHILDREN = 1 DELAY = 10 CHILD_CLASS = Ammo SIZE = 16 GRAPHIC = None def SPREAD(self, x, y): return (x,y) def __init__(self, x, y): super(Fountain, self).__init__(x=x, y=y, width=self.SIZE, height=self.SIZE, shape=GameObject.SHAPE_RECT, solid=False, movable=False, physical=False, graphic=self.GRAPHIC) self.countdown = -1 self.children = [] self.initialized = False def added_to_game(self, game): for _ in xrange(self.MIN_CHILDREN): self.spawn_one() def update(self): # Charge slowly if self.countdown > -1: self.countdown -= 1 if self.countdown == -1 and len(self.children) < self.MIN_CHILDREN: self.countdown = self.DELAY if self.countdown == 0: self.spawn_one() def remove_child(self, child): self.children.remove(child) def spawn_one(self, attempts = 10): while attempts: (x,y) = self.SPREAD(self.x + self.width/2.0, self.y + self.height/2.0) f = # Check if we're not spawning our object into a wall. (j,i) = int(x//f.tilesize), int(y//f.tilesize) if 0 <= i < f.height and 0 <= j < f.width and not f.wallgrid[i][j]: c = self.CHILD_CLASS(x - self.CHILD_CLASS.SIZE/2.0, y - self.CHILD_CLASS.SIZE/2.0) c.parent = self self.children.append(c) return attempts -= 1 class AmmoFountain(Fountain): MIN_CHILDREN = 1 CHILD_CLASS = Ammo GRAPHIC = 'ammo_empty' def added_to_game(self, game): self.DELAY = super(AmmoFountain, self).added_to_game(game) class CrumbFountain(Fountain): MIN_CHILDREN = 200 DELAY = -1 CHILD_CLASS = Crumb def SPREAD(self, x, y): return x +, 32), y +, 32) class TankSpawn(GameObject): SIZE = 16 def __init__(self,x=0, y=0, angle=0, team=TEAM_RED, brain=None): super(TankSpawn, self).__init__(x=x, y=y, angle=angle, width=TankSpawn.SIZE, height=TankSpawn.SIZE, shape=GameObject.SHAPE_RECT, solid=False, movable=False, physical=False) = team self.graphic = 'spawn_red' if == TEAM_RED else 'spawn_blue' class Observation(object): def __init__(self): self.step = 0 #: Current timestep self.loc = (0,0) #: Agent's location (x,y) self.angle = 0 #: Current angle in radians self.walls = [] #: Visible walls around the agent: a 2D binary array self.friends = [] #: All/Visible friends: a list of (x,y,angle)-tuples self.foes = [] #: Visible foes: a list of (x,y,angle)-tuples self.cps = [] #: Controlpoints: a list of (x,y,TEAM_RED/TEAM_BLUE)-tuples self.objects = [] #: Visible objects: a list of (x,y,type)-tuples self.ammo = 0 #: Ammo count self.score = (0,0) #: Current game score self.collided = False #: Whether the agent has collided in the previous turn self.respawn_in = -1 #: How many timesteps left before this agent can move again. self.hit = None #: What the agent hit with its last shot. Can be None/TEAM_RED/TEAM_BLUE # The following properties are only set when # the renderer is enabled: self.selected = False #: Indicates if the agent is selected in the UI self.clicked = [] #: A list of mouse-clicks, tuples of (x, y, shift, selected) self.keys = [] #: A list of all keys pressed in the previous turn def __str__(self): items = sorted(self.__dict__.items()) maxlen = max(len(k) for k,v in items) return "== Observation ==\n" + "\n".join(('%s : %r'%(k.ljust(maxlen), v)) for (k,v) in items)
[docs]class ReplayData(object): """ Contains the replaydata for a game. """ def __init__(self, game): self.settings = game.settings self.version = __version__ self.actions_red = [] # List of lists of red agents' actions self.actions_blue = [] # List of lists of blue agents' actions
[docs] def play(self): """ Convenience method for setting up a game to play this replay. """ g = Game(replay=self,rendered=True) return g
if __name__ == "__main__": g = Game(verbose=True, rendered=True).run()