Source code for domination.utilities

""" This module holds functions, exceptions and constants
    that are or might be used by both the game, renderer
    and perhaps the agents. By putting this code in a separate
    module, each of them can access it without requiring
    the other modules.

### IMPORTS ###
import math
import time
import copy
from pprint import pprint
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from sys import maxint

# Local libs
from libs import astar

# Shortcuts
sqrt  = math.sqrt
    inf = float('inf')
except ValueError:
    inf = 1e1000000
pi    = math.pi
astar = astar.astar

class GameInterrupt(Exception):
### LISTS ###

def all_pairs(seq):
    l = len(seq)
    for i in range(l):
        for j in range(i+1, l):
            yield seq[i], seq[j]


[docs]def frange(limit1, limit2 = None, increment = 1.): """ Like xrange, but for real numbers. """ if limit2 is None: limit2, limit1 = limit1, 0. else: limit1 = float(limit1) count = int(math.ceil((limit2 - limit1)/increment)) return (limit1 + n*increment for n in xrange(count))
[docs]def mean(iterable): """ Returns mean of given list or generator.""" s = 0.0 n = 0 for num in iterable: s += num n += 1 return s/n
[docs]def stdev(iterable): """ Returns standard deviation of given list or generator. >>> stdev([1,2,3]) 1.0 """ nums = list(iterable) n = len(nums) avg = mean(nums) return sum((a - avg)**2 for a in nums)/float(max(n-1,1)) ### GEOMETRY ###
[docs]def point_add(a, b): """ Add the coordinates of two points (Inline this if you can, function calls are slow) """ return (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1])
[docs]def point_sub(a, b): """ Subtract two 2d vectors (Inline this if you can, function calls are slow) """ return (a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1])
[docs]def point_mul(a, f): """ Multiply a vector by a scalar (Inline this if you can, function calls are slow) """ return (a[0]*f, a[1]*f)
[docs]def point_dist(a, b): """ Distance between two points. """ return ((a[0]-b[0]) ** 2 + (a[1]-b[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
[docs]def line_intersects_rect(p0, p1, r): """ Check where a line between p1 and p2 intersects given axis-aligned rectangle r. Returns False if no intersection found. Uses the Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithm. >>> line_intersects_rect((1.0,0.0),(1.0,4.0),(0.0,1.0,4.0,1.0)) ((0.25, (1.0, 1.0)), (0.5, (1.0, 2.0))) >>> line_intersects_rect((1.0,0.0),(3.0,0.0),(0.0,1.0,3.0,1.0)) False """ l,t,r,b = (r[0],r[1],r[0]+r[2],r[1]+r[3]) p0x,p0y = p0 q0x,q0y = p1 t0,t1 = 0.0, 1.0 dx, dy = p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1] for edge in xrange(4): if edge == 0: p,q = -dx, -(l-p0x) elif edge == 1: p,q = dx, (r-p0x) elif edge == 2: p,q = -dy, -(t-p0y) else: p,q = dy, (b-p0y) if p == 0: # Parallel line if q < 0: return False else: ti = q/float(p) if p < 0: if ti > t1: return False elif ti > t0: t0 = ti else: if ti < t0: return False elif ti < t1: t1 = ti # Return (two) intersection coords return ((t0, (p0x + t0*dx, p0y + t0*dy)), (t1, (p0x + t1*dx, p0y + t1*dy)))
[docs]def line_intersects_circ((p0x,p0y), (p1x,p1y), (cx,cy), r): """ Computes intersections between line and circle. The line runs between (p0x,p0y) and (p1x,p1y) and the circle is centered at (cx,cy) with a radius r. Returns False if no intersection is found, and one or two intersection points otherwise. Intersection points are (t, (x, y)) where t is the distance along the line between 0-1. (From >>> line_intersects_circ((0,0), (4,0), (2,0), 1) [(0.25, (1.0, 0.0)), (0.75, (3.0, 0.0))] >>> line_intersects_circ((0,0), (2,0), (2,0), 1) [(0.5, (1.0, 0.0))] >>> line_intersects_circ((0,0), (0,1), (2,0), 1) False """ dx, dy = p1x-p0x, p1y-p0y fx, fy = p0x-cx, p0y-cy a = dx*dx + dy*dy b = 2 * (dx*fx + dy*fy) c = (fx*fx + fy*fy) - r*r discriminant = b*b-4*a*c; if discriminant < 0: return False else: # ray didn't totally miss sphere, so there is a solution to the equation. discriminant = sqrt( discriminant ); t1 = (-b - discriminant)/(2*a); t2 = (-b + discriminant)/(2*a); isects = [] if t1 >= 0 and t1 <= 1: p1 = p0x + dx*t1, p0y + dy*t1 isects.append((t1,p1)) if t2 >= 0 and t2 <= 1: p2 = p0x + dx*t2, p0y + dy*t2 isects.append((t2,p2)) if not isects: return False else: return isects # // use t2 for second point
[docs]def line_intersects_grid((x0,y0), (x1,y1), grid, grid_cell_size=1): """ Performs a line/grid intersection, finding the "super cover" of a line and seeing if any of the grid cells are occupied. The line runs between (x0,y0) and (x1,y1), and (0,0) is the top-left corner of the top-left grid cell. >>> line_intersects_grid((0,0),(2,2),[[0,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,0]]) True >>> line_intersects_grid((0,0),(0.99,2),[[0,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,0]]) False """ grid_cell_size = float(grid_cell_size) x0 = x0 / grid_cell_size x1 = x1 / grid_cell_size y0 = y0 / grid_cell_size y1 = y1 / grid_cell_size dx = abs(x1 - x0) dy = abs(y1 - y0) x = int(math.floor(x0)) y = int(math.floor(y0)) if dx != 0: dt_dx = 1.0 / dx else: dt_dx = inf if dy != 0: dt_dy = 1.0 / dy else: dt_dy = inf t = 0.0 n = 1 if (dx == 0): x_inc = 0 t_next_horizontal = dt_dx elif (x1 > x0): x_inc = 1 n += int(math.floor(x1)) - x t_next_horizontal = (math.floor(x0) + 1 - x0) * dt_dx else: x_inc = -1 n += x - int(math.floor(x1)) t_next_horizontal = (x0 - math.floor(x0)) * dt_dx if (dy == 0): y_inc = 0 t_next_vertical = dt_dy elif (y1 > y0): y_inc = 1 n += int(math.floor(y1)) - y t_next_vertical = (math.floor(y0) + 1 - y0) * dt_dy else: y_inc = -1 n += y - int(math.floor(y1)) t_next_vertical = (y0 - math.floor(y0)) * dt_dy while (n > 0): if grid[y][x] == 1: return True if (t_next_vertical < t_next_horizontal): y += y_inc t = t_next_vertical t_next_vertical += dt_dy else: x += x_inc t = t_next_horizontal t_next_horizontal += dt_dx n -= 1 return False
[docs]def rect_contains_point(rect, point): """ Check if rectangle contains a point. """ if (rect[0] <= point[0] and rect[1] <= point[1] and rect[0] + rect[2] >= point[0] and rect[1] + rect[3] >= point[1]): return True return False
[docs]def rect_offset(rect, offset): """ Offsets (grows) a rectangle in each direction. """ return (rect[0] - offset, rect[1] - offset, rect[2]+2*offset, rect[3]+2*offset)
[docs]def rect_corners(rect): """ Returns cornerpoints of given rectangle. >>> rect_corners((1,2,1,3)) ((1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 5), (1, 5)) """ tl = (rect[0],rect[1]) tr = (rect[0]+rect[2],rect[1]) br = (rect[0]+rect[2],rect[1]+rect[3]) bl = (rect[0],rect[1]+rect[3]) return (tl,tr,br,bl)
[docs]def rects_bound(rects): """ Returns a rectangle that bounds all given rectangles >>> rects_bound([(0,0,1,1), (3,3,1,1)]) (0, 0, 4, 4) """ def rb((ax,ay,aw,ah), (bx,by,bw,bh)): x = min(ax, bx) y = min(ay, by) w = max(ax+aw, bx+bw) - x h = max(ay+ah, by+bh) - y return (x,y,w,h) return reduce(rb, rects)
[docs]def rects_merge(rects): """ Merge a list of rectangle (xywh) tuples. Returns a list of rectangles that cover the same surface. This is not necessarily optimal though. >>> rects_merge([(0,0,1,1),(1,0,1,1)]) [(0, 0, 2, 1)] """ def stack(rects, horizontal=False): """ Stacks rectangles that connect in either horizontal or vertical direction. """ if horizontal: rects = [(y,x,h,w) for (x,y,w,h) in rects] rects.sort() newrects = [] i = 0 while i < len(rects): (x1,y1,w1,h1) = rects[i] # Initialize new rect to this one nr = [x1,y1,w1,h1] # While the next rectangle connects to this one: while (i+1 < len(rects) and nr[0] == rects[i+1][0] and nr[2] == rects[i+1][2] and nr[1]+nr[3] == rects[i+1][1]): # Increase height of the current new rect nr[3] += rects[i+1][3] i += 1 i += 1 newrects.append(tuple(nr)) # Flip rects back if we were stacking horizontally if horizontal: newrects = [(x,y,w,h) for (y,x,h,w) in newrects] return newrects # Stack twice, once in each direction return stack(stack(rects),horizontal=True)
[docs]def angle_fix(theta): """ Fixes an angle to a value between -pi and pi. >>> angle_fix(-2*pi) 0.0 """ return ((theta + pi) % (2*pi)) - pi ### NAVIGATION ###
[docs]def reachable(grid, (x, y), border=1): """ Performs a 'flood fill' operation to find reachable areas on given tile map from (x,y). Returns as binary grid with 1 for reachable. :param border: can be a value or a function indicating borders of region >>> reachable([[0,1,0],[0,1,0]], (0,0)) [[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]] """ w,h = len(grid[0]), len(grid) reachability = [[0 for _ in range(w)] for _ in range(h)] edge = [(x, y)] # If border is not a function, convert it to a simple compare if not hasattr(border, '__call__'): _border = border border = lambda x: (x == _border) while edge: newedge = [] for (x, y) in edge: if 0 <= x < w and 0 <= y < h and not border(grid[y][x]) and reachability[y][x] != 1: reachability[y][x] = 1 newedge.extend(((x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1))) edge = newedge return reachability
def grid_path_length((x,y),(gx,gy),g): #Path list (current coords, cost, expected cost) p = [((x,y),0,abs(gx-x)+abs(gy-y))] #Nodes visited h = [] #Max values of coords m = (len(g[0]),len(g)) while (len(p) > 0): #Sort based on best estimate of distance, with slight advantage #to paths already explored p.sort(key=lambda o:0.99999*o[1]+o[2]) #Best current loc (x,y) = p[0][0] l = [] #Expand in all 4 directions, add if: # 1. Not of of bounds 2. No wall present 3. Not yet visited n = x-1 if n >= 0 and g[y][n] == 0 and (n,y) not in h: l.append(((n,y),abs(gx-n)+abs(gy-y))) n = x+1 if n < m[0] and g[y][n] == 0 and (n,y) not in h: l.append(((n,y),abs(gx-n)+abs(gy-y))) n = y-1 if n >= 0 and g[n][x] == 0 and (x,n) not in h: l.append(((x,n),abs(gx-x)+abs(gy-n))) n = y+1 if n < m[1] and g[n][x] == 0 and (x,n) not in h: l.append(((x,n),abs(gx-x)+abs(gy-n))) #Add all new valid paths to path list and history for i in l: if i[1] == 0: #Goal reached return p[0][1]+1 h.append(i[0]) p.append((i[0],p[0][1]+1,i[1])) #Remove old path del p[0] return None
[docs]def make_nav_mesh(walls, bounds=None, offset=7, simplify=0.001, add_points=[]): """ Generate an almost optimal navigation mesh between the given walls (rectangles), within the world bounds (a big rectangle). Mesh is a dictionary of dictionaries: mesh[point1][point2] = distance """ # If bounds not given, assume outer walls are bounds. if bounds is None: bounds = rects_bound(walls) # 1) Offset walls and add nodes on corners walls = [rect_offset(w,offset) for w in walls] nodes = set(add_points) for w in walls: for point in rect_corners(w): # 2) Remove points that are inside of other walls (or outside bounds) other_walls = filter(lambda x: x!=w,walls) if (rect_contains_point(bounds, point) and not any(rect_contains_point(ow, point) for ow in other_walls)): nodes.add((int(point[0]),int(point[1]))) # 3) Connect nodes that can "see" eachother walls = [rect_offset(w,-0.001) for w in walls] mesh = dict((n,{}) for n in nodes) for n1 in nodes: for n2 in nodes: if n1 != n2: if not any(line_intersects_rect(n1,n2,w) for w in walls): mesh[n1][n2] = point_dist(n1,n2) # 4) Remove direct connections that are not much shorter than indirect ones def astar_path_length(m, start, end): """ Length of a path from start to end """ neighbours = lambda n: m[n].keys() cost = lambda n1, n2: m[n1][n2] goal = lambda n: n == end heuristic = lambda n: point_dist(end, n) nodes, length = astar(start, neighbours, goal, 0, cost, heuristic) return length connections = [] for n1 in mesh: for n2 in mesh[n1]: connections.append((mesh[n1][n2],(n1,n2))) connections.sort(reverse=True) # Start with the longest connections for length, (n1, n2) in connections: mesh[n1].pop(n2) # Remove connection to see best path without it alternative_dist = astar_path_length(mesh, n1,n2) # Put the connection back if the alternative is much worse if alternative_dist > (1+simplify) * length: mesh[n1][n2] = length return mesh
[docs]def find_path(start, end, mesh, grid, tilesize=16): """ Uses astar to find a path from start to end, using the given mesh and tile grid. >>> grid = [[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0]] >>> mesh = make_nav_mesh([(2,2,1,1)],(0,0,4,4),1) >>> find_path((0,0),(4,4),mesh,grid,1) [(4, 1), (4, 4)] """ # If there is a straight line, just return the end point if not line_intersects_grid(start, end, grid, tilesize): return [end] # Copy mesh so we can add temp nodes mesh = copy.deepcopy(mesh) # Add temp notes for start mesh[start] = dict([(n, point_dist(start,n)) for n in mesh if not line_intersects_grid(start,n,grid,tilesize)]) # Add temp nodes for end: if end not in mesh: endconns = [(n, point_dist(end,n)) for n in mesh if not line_intersects_grid(end,n,grid,tilesize)] for n, dst in endconns: mesh[n][end] = dst neighbours = lambda n: mesh[n].keys() cost = lambda n1, n2: mesh[n1][n2] goal = lambda n: n == end heuristic = lambda n: ((n[0]-end[0]) ** 2 + (n[1]-end[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 nodes, length = astar(start, neighbours, goal, 0, cost, heuristic) return nodes ### TIMING ###
tictocs = {} def tic(timer_id='default'): try: tictocs[timer_id][0] = time.clock() except KeyError: tictocs[timer_id] = [time.clock(),0.0] def toc(timer_id='default'): try: p, a = tictocs[timer_id] d = time.clock() - p tictocs[timer_id][1] *= 0.9 tictocs[timer_id][1] += 0.1 * d return d except KeyError: tictocs[timer_id] = [time.clock(),0.0] return 0.0 def toc_avg(timer_id='default'): try: return tictocs[timer_id][1] except KeyError: return 0.0 if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()