Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Domination game engine for Reinforcement Learning research.

Contains functions for running multiple games and tournaments.


### IMPORTS ###
# Python
import datetime
import sys
import os
import csv
import glob
import cPickle as pickle
import zipfile
import math
from collections import defaultdict

# Local
import core
from utilities import *

# Shortcuts
pi = math.pi

### CLASSES ###

[docs]class Scenario(object): """ A scenario is used to run multiple games under the same conditions. """ #: The settings with which these games will be played SETTINGS = core.Settings() #: The field that these games will be played on GENERATOR = core.FieldGenerator() #: Will generate FIELD before each game if defined FIELD = None #: Will play on this field if GENERATOR is None REPEATS = 2 #: How many times to repeat each game SWAP_TEAMS = True #: Repeat each run with blue/red swapped DRAW_MARGIN = 0.05
[docs] def setup(self): """ Function is called once before any games """ pass
[docs] def before_each(self): """ Function that is run before each game. Use it to regenerate the map, for example. """ pass
[docs] def after_each(self, game): """ Function that is run after each game. :param game: The previous game """ pass
""" You shouldn't have to override any of the methods below, but you may. """ def _single(self, red, blue, rendered=False): """ Runs a single game, returns results, called repeatedly by :meth:`Scenario._multi`. """ if self.GENERATOR is not None: self.FIELD = self.GENERATOR.generate() self.before_each() # Open blobs for reading if we can find 'em red_blob = os.path.splitext(red)[0] + '_blob' blue_blob = os.path.splitext(blue)[0] + '_blob' red_init = {'blob': open(red_blob,'rb')} if os.path.exists(red_blob) else {} blue_init = {'blob': open(blue_blob,'rb')} if os.path.exists(blue_blob) else {} # Run the game game = core.Game(red, blue, red_init=red_init, blue_init=blue_init, field=self.FIELD, settings=self.SETTINGS, record=True, verbose=False, rendered=False) if rendered: game.add_renderer() # Close the blobs if 'blob' in red_init: red_init['blob'].close() if 'blob' in blue_init: blue_init['blob'].close() self.after_each(game) return game def _multi(self, teams, output_folder=None, rendered=False): """ Runs multiple games, given as a list of (red, red_init, blue, blue_init) tuples. """ self.setup() # Manipulate the playlist a bit teams = teams * self.REPEATS if self.SWAP_TEAMS: teams = teams + [(b, r) for (r, b) in teams] # Run the games gameinfo = [] # print '\n'.join("%r vs. %r"%(r,b) for (r, b) in teams) for i, (red, blue) in enumerate(teams): game = self._single(red, blue, rendered=rendered) print "======= Game %d/%d done. =======" % (i+1, len(teams)) print game.stats gameinfo.append((red, blue, game.stats, game.replay, game.log)) if output_folder is not None: self._write(gameinfo, output_folder) def _write(self, gameinfo, output_folder, include_replays=True): """ Write a csv with all game results, all the replays in a zip and a textfile with a summary to the output_folder """ if os.path.exists(output_folder): print "WARNING: Output directory exists; overwriting results" else: os.makedirs(output_folder) # Write stats to a CSV fieldnames = ('red_file', 'blue_file', 'score', 'score_red', 'score_blue', 'steps', 'ammo_red', 'ammo_blue') now = fn = os.path.join(output_folder,'%s'%now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M")) csvf = csv.DictWriter(open(fn+'_games.csv','w'), fieldnames, extrasaction='ignore') csvf.writerow(dict(zip(fieldnames, fieldnames))) # Create a zip with the replays zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(fn+'','w') logs = zipfile.ZipFile(fn+'','w') for i, (r, b, stats, replay, log) in enumerate(gameinfo): # Write to the csv file s = stats.__dict__ s.update([('red_file',r),('blue_file',b)]) csvf.writerow(s) # Write a replay r = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(r))[0] b = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(b))[0] zipf.writestr('replay_%04d_%s_vs_%s.pickle'%(i, r, b), pickle.dumps(replay, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)) logs.writestr('log_%04d_%s_vs_%s.txt'%(i,r,b), log.truncated(kbs=32)) zipf.close() logs.close() # Write summary sf = open(fn+'','w') sf.write('In total, %d games were played.\n\n' % len(gameinfo)) by_color = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0]) by_match = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0]) by_team = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # Compile scores by color/team/matchup for (r, b, stats, _, _) in gameinfo: if abs(stats.score - 0.5) < self.DRAW_MARGIN: points_red, points_blue = (1, 1) elif stats.score > 0.5: points_red, points_blue = (2, 0) else: points_red, points_blue = (0, 2) by_color[(r,b)][0] += points_red by_color[(r,b)][1] += points_blue if r < b: by_match[(r,b)][0] += points_red by_match[(r,b)][1] += points_blue else: by_match[(b,r)][0] += points_blue by_match[(b,r)][1] += points_red by_team[r] += points_red by_team[b] += points_blue # Put the matches into a matchup matrix (team a on left, team b on top) matrix = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None)) for (a, b), (points) in by_match.items(): matrix[a][b] = points order = sorted(by_team.keys()) table = [] #[[for _ in range(len(order)+1)] for _ in range(len(order))] for left in order[:-1]: table.append([left] + [matrix[left][top] for top in order[1:]]) # Final ranking ranking = sorted(by_team.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Write to output sf.write(markdown_table([(r,b,pr,pb) for ((r,b),(pr,pb)) in by_color.items()], header=['Red','Blue','R','B'])) sf.write('\n') sf.write(markdown_table(table, header=['']+order[1:])) sf.write('\n') sf.write(markdown_table(ranking, header=['Team','Points'])) @classmethod
[docs] def test(cls, red, blue): """ Test this scenario, this will run a single game and render it, so you can verify the FIELD and SETTINGS. :param red: Path to red agent :param blue: Path to blue agent """ scen = cls() scen.REPEATS = 1 scen.SWAP_TEAMS = False scen._multi([(red, blue)], rendered=True)
[docs] def one_on_one(cls, red, blue, output_folder=None): """ Runs the set amount of REPEATS and SWAP_TEAMS if desired, between two given agents. :param output_folder: Folder in which results will be stored """ scen = cls() scen._multi([(red, blue)], output_folder=output_folder)
[docs] def tournament(cls, folder=None, agents=None, output_folder=None): """ Runs a full tournament between the agents specified, respecting the REPEATS and SWAP_TEAMS settings. :param agents: A list of paths to agents :param folder: A folder that contains all agents, overrides the agents parameter. :param output_folder: Folder in which results will be stored. """ if folder is not None: agents = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder,'*.py')) if output_folder is None: output_folder = folder pairs = list(all_pairs(agents)) scen = cls() scen._multi(pairs, output_folder=output_folder) ### HELPER FUNCTIONS ###
def markdown_table(body, header=None): """ Generate a MultiMarkdown text table. :param body: The body as a list-of-lists :param header: The header to print """ s = "" def makerow(row): rowstrs = [str(cell).ljust(maxlen[i]) for i,cell in enumerate(row)] return '| ' + ' | '.join(rowstrs) + ' |\n' if header: body = [header] + body maxlen = [max(len(str(cell)) for cell in col) for col in zip(*body)] if header: s += makerow(body[0]) s += '|'+'|'.join('-'*(m+2) for m in maxlen)+'|\n' body = body[1:] for row in body: s += makerow(row) return s if __name__ == '__main__': Scenario.one_on_one(red=core.DEFAULT_AGENT_FILE, blue=core.DEFAULT_AGENT_FILE, output_folder='_tmp')