Source code for domination.agent

class Agent(object):
    NAME = "default_agent"
    def __init__(self, id, team, settings=None, field_rects=None, field_grid=None, nav_mesh=None, blob=None):
[docs] """ Each agent is initialized at the beginning of each game. The first agent (id==0) can use this to set up global variables. Note that the properties pertaining to the game field might not be given for each game. """ = id = team self.mesh = nav_mesh self.grid = field_grid self.settings = settings self.goal = None self.callsign = '%s-%d'% (('BLU' if team == TEAM_BLUE else 'RED'), id) # Read the binary blob, we're not using it though if blob is not None: print "Agent %s received binary blob of %s" % ( self.callsign, type(pickle.loads( # Reset the file so other agents can read it. # Recommended way to share variables between agents. if id == 0: self.all_agents = self.__class__.all_agents = [] self.all_agents.append(self) def observe(self, observation):
[docs] """ Each agent is passed an observation using this function, before being asked for an action. You can store either the observation object or its properties to use them to determine your action. Note that the observation object is modified in place. """ self.observation = observation self.selected = observation.selected if observation.selected: print observation def action(self):
[docs] """ This function is called every step and should return a tuple in the form: (turn, speed, shoot) """ obs = self.observation # Check if agent reached goal. if self.goal is not None and point_dist(self.goal, obs.loc) < self.settings.tilesize: self.goal = None # Walk to ammo ammopacks = filter(lambda x: x[2] == "Ammo", obs.objects) if ammopacks: self.goal = ammopacks[0][0:2] # Drive to where the user clicked if self.selected and self.observation.clicked: self.goal = self.observation.clicked # Walk to random CP if self.goal is None: self.goal = obs.cps[random.randint(0,len(obs.cps)-1)][0:2] # Shoot enemies shoot = False if (obs.ammo > 0 and obs.foes and point_dist(obs.foes[0][0:2], obs.loc) < self.settings.max_range and not line_intersects_grid(obs.loc, obs.foes[0][0:2], self.grid, self.settings.tilesize)): self.goal = obs.foes[0][0:2] shoot = True # Compute path, angle and drive path = find_path(obs.loc, self.goal, self.mesh, self.grid, self.settings.tilesize) if path: dx = path[0][0]-obs.loc[0] dy = path[0][1]-obs.loc[1] turn = angle_fix(math.atan2(dy, dx)-obs.angle) if turn > self.settings.max_turn or turn < -self.settings.max_turn: shoot = False speed = (dx**2 + dy**2)**0.5 else: turn = 0 speed = 0 return (turn,speed,shoot) def debug(self, surface):
[docs] """ Allows the agents to draw on the game UI, Refer to the pygame reference to see how you can draw on a pygame.surface. The given surface is not cleared automatically. Additionally, this function will only be called when the renderer is active, and it will only be called for the active team. """ import pygame # First agent clears the screen if == 0: surface.fill((0,0,0,0)) # Selected agents draw their info if self.selected: if self.goal is not None: pygame.draw.line(surface,(0,0,0),self.observation.loc, self.goal) def finalize(self, interrupted=False):
[docs] """ This function is called after the game ends, either due to time/score limits, or due to an interrupt (CTRL+C) by the user. Use it to store any learned variables and write logs/reports. """ pass